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Scientific Publications

Articles in Scientific Journals

Remote sensing-based green and blue agricultural water footprint estimation at the river basin scale.

Garrido-Rubio, J., Gonzalez-Piqueras, J., Calera, A., Osann A.

Ecological Indicators

Is the Subsurface Drip the Most Sustainable Irrigation System for Almond Orchards in Water-Scarce Areas?

Montoya, F., Sanchez, J. M., Gonzalez-Piqueras, J.,Lopez-Urrea, R.

Agronomy Journal

Assessment of Land Surface Temperature Estimates from Landsat 8-TIRS in A High-Contrast Semiarid Agroecosystem. Algorithms Intercomparison

Vicente García-Santos; Alfonso José Calera Belmonte; Juan Manuel Sánchez Tomás; Jose González-Piqueras; Joan Miquel Galve Romero; Julio Villodre Carrilero

Remote Sensing Journal

Convolutional Neural Networks for Agricultural Land Use Classification from Sentinel-2 Image Time Series

Simón Sánchez, A.-M.; González-Piqueras, J.; de la Ossa, L.; Calera, A.

Remote Sensing Journal, Special Issue Application of Artificial Intelligence in Land Use and Land Cover Mapping II
Publication in Conference proceedings/Workshops

Using Participatory System Dynamics Modelling for analyzing Water-Energy-Food Nexus resilience: the Lower Danube case study

Raffaele GIORDANO, Albert SCRIECIU and Alessandro PAGANO

7th IAHR2022 Europe Congress

Water resources competition in an international watershed: the Isonzo-Soca case study

Virginia Rosa COLETTA, Alessandro IMBO', Alessandro PAGANO, Raffaele GIORDANO, Umberto FRATINO

Proceedings of the ICIRBM 2022 - 43rd Edition of Italian Conference on Integrated River Basin Management

Determining Nature-based Solutions and Key Performance Indicators to address Water – Ecosystem – Food Nexus Challenges in Pinios River Basin, Greece

Malamataris, D., Chatzi, A., Babakos, K., Panagopoulos, A., Pisinaras, V., Dalambakis, P. & Hatzigiannakis, E.

Proceedings in IAHR Europe conference

Stakeholders’ Viewpoints on Water-Energy-Food-Climate NEXUS Challenges in Pinios River Basin, Greece.

Malamataris, D., Chatzi, A., Babakos, K., Panagopoulos, A., Pisinaras, V., Dalambakis, P. & Hatzigiannakis, E.

Proceedings of 12th International Hydrogeological Conference

Learning and Action Alliances Towards the Development of NEXUS based Solutions in Pinios River Basin, Greece: Preliminary Results

Chatzi, A., Malamataris, D., Babakos, K., Panagopoulos, A., Pisinaras, V., Dalambakis, P. & Hatzigiannakis, E.

e-proceedings of 16th International Conference on Protection and Restoration of the Environment

Retos en la gestión del agua desde la perspectiva del nexo agua-energía-alimentación-medioambiente y la integración de tecnologías de observación de la tierra.

José González-Piqueras

Proceedings of Congreso Ibérico de las Aguas Subterráneas 2022

The NDVI plateau value in summer as indicator of water allocation in almond, pistachio

Pedro Olivas, Jaime Campoy, Jesús Garrido, José González-Piqueras, Herminio Molina, Alfonso Calera

XIX Congreso de La Asociación Española de Teledetección. Universidad Pública de Navarra, Pamplona

Estimation of water needs in almond orchards through the surface energy balance applied to

Juan M. Sánchez, José González-Piqueras, Jaime Hurtado, Antonio Rodríguez, Llanos Simón, Ramón López-Urrea, Vicente García-Santos

XIX Congreso de La Asociación Española de Teledetección. Universidad Pública de Navarra, Pamplona

Estimation of the reference evapotranspiration from the global weather forecasting system GFS model

Jesús Puchades-Yago, Alfonso Calera-Belmonte, Joan M. Galve, Juan M. Sánchez-Tomás, José González-Piqueras

XIX Congreso de La Asociación Española de Teledetección. Universidad Pública de Navarra, Pamplona

Remote Sensing based Water Footprint estimation for agricultural crops production.

Jesús Puchades-Yago, Alfonso Calera-Belmonte, Joan M. Galve, Juan M. Sánchez-Tomás, José González-Piqueras

XIX Congreso de La Asociación Española de Teledetección. Universidad Pública de Navarra, Pamplona

Crosscalibration between Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 to configure a multisensor constellation

Jesús Puchades-Yago, Alfonso Calera-Belmonte, Joan M. Galve, Juan M. Sánchez-Tomás, José González-Piqueras

XIX Congreso de La Asociación Española de Teledetección. Universidad Pública de Navarra, Pamplona

Land use classification applying Machine Learning to time series

Alejandro M. Simón-Sánchez, José González-Piqueras, Luis de la Ossa, Alfonso Calera-Belmonte

XIX Congreso de La Asociación Española de Teledetección. Universidad Pública de Navarra, Pamplona

Huella hídrica sobre la producción de cultivos basada en teledetección. Metodología y ejemplo para la masa de agua subterránea Mancha Oriental, in: Ruiz, L.A., Estornell, J., González-Audícana, M., Álvarez-Mozos, J. (Eds.), Teledetección Para Una Agricultura Sostenible En La Era Del Big Data.

Garrido-Rubio, J., González-Piqueras, J., Calera, A., Arellano, I., Sánchez, D., 2022

XIX Congreso de La Asociación Española de Teledetección. Universidad Pública de Navarra, Pamplona

Spatial and temporal estimation of the Green and Blue Remote Sensing-based Agriculture Water Accounting and Footprint at the Pinios River Basin.

Garrido-Rubio, J., González-Piqueras, J., Calera, A., Babakos, K., Pisinaras, V., Panagopoulos, A., Osann, A., 2023

European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2023

A novel tool implementation to estimate the Land Use Sustainability for crops production under different climate change scenarios.

Galve, J.M., Garrido-Rubio, J., González-Piqueras, J., Osann, A., Calera, A., López, M.L., Henao, E., Sánchez, D., Puchades, J., Molina, A.J., Papadaskalopoulou, C., Antoniadou, M., Tassopoulos, D., 2023

European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2023

Remote Sensing-based Agricultural Water Accounting Projections for irrigated maize under different climate change scenarios in 5 European locations.

Garrido-Rubio, J., González-Piqueras, J., Osann, A., Antoniadou, M., Papadaskalopoulou, C., Tassopoulos, D., 2024

European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2023

The Remote Sensing-based Agricultural Water Accounting and Footprint (RS-AWAF) for different river basins and crop management conditions, in: Athanasios, L., Harris, V., Dimitris, T., Pantelis, S. (Eds.), Managing Water-Energy-Land-Food under Climatic, Environmental and Social Instability.

Garrido-Rubio, J., González-Piqueras, J., Osann, A., Calera Belmonte, A., 2023

Proceedings of the 12th World Congress of EWRA on Water Resources and Environment. EWRA Editorial Office, Thessaloniki, Greece, pp. 243–244


Il fenomeno dell’hydropeaking nel bacino dell'Isonzo-Soča

Alessandro Imbò

System Impacts of Nature Based Solutions on the Water, Energy, Land Nexus in the Pinios River Basin, Greece

Whitfield, C.T.