Goriška local energy agency (GOLEA) is a non-profit energy agency established in 2006. Its main role is spreading energy management practices, improving the energy balance and reducing carbon emissions through the research activities, implementation of feasibility and investment studies, municipal energy strategies and plans, proposals for short and long term local energy policies, Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans (SECAPs), promotion of RES and EE, efficient technologies, sustainable transport, implementation of trainings and awareness raising campaigns for general public, schools, public administration and technical workers. It acts as an energy manager for more than 20 Primorska municipalities and as a joint coordinator between municipalities and different stakeholders at local and national level. It has strong experience in collection of energy and climate data at regional and local level.
GOLEA collaborate in different projects aiming to improve energy planning by local operators, focusing on energy saving, renewable energy, reduction of CO2 emissions and mitigation and adaptation measures related to climate change. Furthermore, it has implemented several communication activities in relation to effective dissemination of project results, technical information, key findings and policy recommendations to relevant audiences and networks reaching the regulators and policy-makers community, capacity buildings of local administrations, etc. In recent years, GOLEA has participated in 25 successfully accomplished, and 3 ongoing, EU projects as well in the definition and introduction of new financial models.
Marta Stopar (female)
Marta obtained Bachelor of Science degree in Environment at University of Nova Gorica, School of Environmental Sciences in 2008. After the diploma she remained at the University of Nova Gorica where she started to work on EU projects as a technical expert in the Laboratory for Environmental Research and as teaching assistant in Waste Management, Marine Ecology and Environmental Impact Assessment. In 2017, she joined GOLEA and has been actively involved with several EU projects, as a financial manager and also as expert. She was also a project manager of two on-going projects (Energycare and Lightingsolutions) and speaks English fluently. She was also expert in project SECAP where she was active on climate topics. She is actively involved in the development of energy planning documents as local energy concepts, SEAP, SECAPs, etc. She is also one of authors for Sustainable energy and climate action plan (SECAP) for Municipality of Nova Gorica which has already been published. She also collaborates in another four SECAPs for Slovenian Municipalities.
Ivana Kacafura (female)
Ivana obtained Bachelor of Science degree in Environment at University of Nova Gorica, School of Environmental Sciences in 2009. After working in Laboratory for environmental research during the study she started working at GOLEA Agency in 2008. She is specialized in energy efficiency and renewable energy sources, with an emphasis on environment and economic eligibility. She obtained a wide experience in energy management systems and carried out several economic studies and feasibility studies for EE&RES implementation. In 2014, she obtained EUREM – European Energy Manager Certificate, in 2015 she obtained a European Energy Manager Award for the best energy concept in category small enterprises, and in 2017 she obtained a certificate for attending 14-days CSIL training on strengthening technical capacity for the evaluation of public investment. She is actively involved in the development of energy planning documents as local energy concepts, SEAP, SECAPs, etc. She implemented different training courses and capacity building workshops for teachers, public administrators, children, etc. She participated in several EU projects, including Nekteo, Alterenergy, RES in Primorska Municipalities, CEEM, SECAP. Ppresently she is working as a manager of SECAP project which is oriented toward the elaboration and promotion of Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans. She is also one of authors for SECAP for Municipality of Nova Gorica which has already been published. She also collaborates in another four SECAPs for Slovenian Municipalities.
Suzana Vidmar Kovšca (female)
Suzana graduated from the Faculty of Social Science, Department of Political Science and Faculty of Art, Department of Translation Studies at University of Ljubljana in 2003. She is actively involved within several EU projects as financial manager. She was also a project manager of SISMA project which activities were dedicated to identification of innovative mechanisms for financing refurbishment of public buildings as well as to definition of training course scheme for public administrators.